Toddler Sleepy-Time Relaxation Track, With BONUS TRACK Affirmations for Kids!
CourseA gentle, relaxing bedtime story that invites your child to unwind at his/her own pace with a favorite toy or stuffed animal. Our top-selling family track - better rest for everyone!
Positive Parenting Affirmations Track
CourseA powerful daily affirmations track for new and experienced moms/parents, for patience and confidence! Listening to these daily affirmations can enhance your parenting skills and your joy!
Comfort & Calm for the New Parent 4-Track SET
CourseOur most popular postpartum tracks together, discounted $20 - Positive Parenting Affirmations, Breastfeeding Success, After Your Baby Comes, and Peaceful Sleep Now. The perfect gift for a new mom! Use code Hypno1528 for 10% MORE OFF
Peaceful Sleep Now for ALL Hypnosis Track
CourseListening to Peaceful Sleep Now for All every night at bedtime guides you into a deep, restful sleep. Your inner mind accepts a gentle cue to easily fall asleep, get back to sleep if awakened, to sleep deeply and well and wake up refreshed.
Breastfeeding Success Hypnosis Track
CourseDeep relaxation and powerful hypnosis suggestions create a gentle, calm and positive breastfeeding experience for you and your baby!
After Your Baby Comes Hypnosis Track
CourseSpecial Place imagery, and hypnotic suggestions for deep relaxation, to enhance sleep, for personal growth as a parent, for nurturing your mind and body, and becoming a calm and confident new mother/parent.